Ask a Woman to Tell You a Story, Today. . .

Happy Mother's Day!

Today is a day to honor the Divine Feminine and Her Stories--even and especially, as we shelter in place across the globe.

I began filming videos of my mom a decade ago, when my children were all under ten years old.

One time, we were at a hands-on museum near Detroit. My three sons stacked wooden train tracks and zoomed trains across them, and I asked my mom to tell us a story. She shared, "One day I petitioned our township to put sidewalks down the main streets of our town, so the children could ride their bikes to school."

"What happened?" one of my sons asked.

"The township then installed sidewalks." my mom replied, with a calm uplift in her voice.

I had never heard the story prior. It had lived in my mom, unspoken and untold.

In that moment, memories of my brothers and I riding our bikes across that sidewalk to school, emerged in my mind. My mother had initiated that sidewalk and bike ride in ways beyond what I'd known.

As my mother told the story of her advocacy, we began to know new layers of who she is as a person and what she's valued.

Her story showed us that we come from a lineage of people who advocate for what they think is right.

So, why hadn't I heard the story before?

Our lives can hold silent spaces like that, waiting to be mined for gold.

If you're looking for a meaningful way to connect with your mother or spouse or aunt or friend today, here's an idea. . .

Ask a woman tell you a story from her life, today. . .

If your mother is still present on this physical plane, gift her your full divine presence. Ask something like, "Mom, tell me a story from your life? What was it like for you when. . .?" Be gentle. Ask something real, kind, and perhaps necessary.

Ask in a way that you hold space for her truth to fully emerge, unjudged. Hold every detail as the sacred pearl it is.

Maybe her neighbor used to fry tiny fish on the back porch and gift her some.

Maybe she used to play kickball in back alleys with her sister.

Maybe, she'll tell you she ate chopped liver right before you were born, or the address of the doorstep on which she had her first kiss, and what she was thinking at the time.

Maybe she'll share the story of . . . well, and that's the point. . we have no idea what may be living in the silent spaces within the feminine, dying to be heard, trying to be heard.

Begin to listen even more deeply as her pearls begin to place themselves sequentially on the strand of her life. Your lineage was birthed through this strand. The time is now.

I know, it can take courage to ask a real question and be willing to hear a real answer. But, what happens if we don't? (Pause here, for a breath. If you could ask anything, what would you ask?)

Amaze yourself, with the presence you can hold together.

Allow the process to shift you both into divine timeless presence within the time-space continuum. Discover the family jewels that emerge.

If your mother is not still on this physical plane, first off, my condolences. We're never too old to need a mom and a dad. Second, please do not remove yourself from this opportunity. The feminine still needs your heart's presence.

To whom might you want to ask these questions?

Your aunt? Your sister? Your daughter? Your friend?

Who has mothered you, sistered you, befriended you?

Ask, "Would you please tell me a story from your life that feels important that someone hears, knows or sees?"

With the speaker's permission, write them down. Type them up. Record them on a video call. Gift them back to the woman who shared it, as a love offering.

Or simply listen, and verbally share with her, what's touched you about her story.

As we gift our presence to the stories of the feminine, the stories of the mother, we begin to weave the human lineage pearls into strands that connect us to the places through which life births, from which creation itself births.

We all could use a little more connection to The Mother, the divine mother who holds us on these earth walks, during less certain times, during this time, during all time.

As we gift our presence, healing happens. Life is honored.

Let's go honor some life today.

As always, let me know how this goes--and yes, I really would like to know.

Send me a short note, a tiny detail, a quick story of something you discovered. You'll be amazed at what transforms, and I’d love it witness it with you!

Photo Credit: Suhyeon Choi

Photo Credit: Suhyeon Choi

The Great Awakening: Trees As Lungs of Our Planet


How Are You and Yours Today? (I actually really do want to know.)

My family and I are well, thank goodness, and thank you to all who've reached out to stay connected and ask about my perspective.

The Great Awakening

Through dreamtime, I saw that we're amidst the Great Awakening.

We're amidst this time that's been prophesied. 

A time when what's been inside-out-upside-down in our collective values would transition into an age of truth. A time where light prevails over darkness. A time of great enlightenment.

We did not necessarily know that it would arrive in the form of a pandemic virus, but we did know that it would be of "pandemos". 

We knew that such a time, would begin to awaken "All the People”.

First individually, and then collectively.

What else would have brought us to a halt of this magnitude?

Or as one social meme has put it, "Mother Nature Just Sent us all to our Rooms!"

And, yes, amidst hope and levity, there is also great suffering happening at this time, and our hearts go out to all who are experiencing illness, loss of loved ones, loss of livelihood, loss of  physical interactions.  

Our hearts go out to those who are struggling to stay inside the stillness or isolation of their own homes or navigate the busy-ness of tending to children while simultaneously working from home.  

Our hearts go out to the brave medical professionals on the front lines of loving us.

And, simultaneously, we are awakening to our connection to how precious a red apple is, the sanctuary of a warm roof over our heads, the grace of each breath, and the gift of what we will do with our next breath. 

We wake up to all the reasons we'd like to live and bless each day with our offerings.

Use All Your Skills

For me, it's been a gift to show up on daily remote session calls with clients. 

A hospital nurse whose job has drastically changed overnight. 

Business owners facing steep plummets and innovative opportunities, parents who are now homeschooling children while also working from home, and doctors and therapists who need support learning new skills to serve remotely and keep their practices afloat.  Friends worried for their parents.

I've also had the opportunity to support those who appear to have the virus.

I've begun to understand how to help us heal through it, while refraining from magical thinking, and yet creating magic. 

Watching how these teachings can begin to make luminous again, the light behind the skin, the cheeks, the eyes.  Staying curious.  Learning.

I'm working to share those in a wider way. 

This is all to say, every single one of our honed skills is needed today.  This is a time to be still and to also rise.

85% Loving 15% = One Species in Remembrance

As 85% of the healthiest folks on the planet profoundly show love for 15% of our most vulnerable ones and healthcare professionals perhaps our real questions are,

How are we today? How are we in our breath of life today?

The Q'ero medicine men and women grow up in the Andes mountains, on earthen floors stomped by their own family's feet, greeting one another with this same question, "How are we?"  

They live in reciprocity with the Earth as if she is the living breathing entity that she is. 

They live with awakeness. 

And now, we're all being called into the next levels of this Great Awakening, too.

What if we're being asked to remember that we're actually part of an ecosystem of aliveness?

The Lungs of the Planet

So, here's the deal.

We are part of the respiration, the lungs of our planet, together with our trees. 

We breathe out carbon dioxide, they breathe it in. They breathe out oxygen, we breathe it in. 

What if we are being called back into reciprocity, deep rapport with the trees and Earth?

Any ways in which our work products or services have been out of rapport, what if we're being asked to courageously bring these into alignment?  

Any ways in which our homes have been out of rapport? What if we're being asked to courageously bring these into alignment?  

Connect with a Tree

My Offering Today is Simple:

Connect with a tree.  

Go outside. Maintain, of course, 6-12' of physical distance with others.  

Walk up to a tree.  

Hover your hands, palms up towards its tree trunk, about a foot away from the tree's bark.

What do you sense? feel? see with your eyes closed? smell? taste? hear?

Ask the tree to

"Show you, teach you, what you’re to learn today? What would it like you to know?"

Feel the tree's vibration. Yes, its vibration.

Let go of fear of judgment.  First off, everyone else is inside.  Second, this is actually one of the most sane acts we humans can participate in.  Remember, the world’s been inside-out-upside-down; this is an act of righting it.  Own it.  Embody your wisdom, your truth.

The Science of Forest Bathing

In 2016, scientists researched nature's effects on health. In part, they found that being in nature, significantly reduced pulse rate and significantly increased the score for vigor and decreased the scores for depression, fatigue, anxiety, and confusion." (NIH, 2016)

Doctors in Japan began prescribing Forest Bathing, and teaching people how to do it. (Time, 2018).  Science has beautifully confirmed what indigenous peoples have known for centuries.  

Trees Attune Us. . . Vibrational Consciousness

Nature remembers us to our Oneness,

if we allow ourselves to grow sensitive enough, in rapport enough, to let her.

So, Walk outside. Meet a tree (or greet a plant in your home).

 Introduce yourself. Become friends. Begin to build rapport. 

Thank it for its service. Ask how you, too, might be of service to it's aliveness. Learn. Listen. Love.

We are not just these bodies. We are not just these minds.

We are an infinite vibrational consciousness currently embodied.

We are filled with radiant lit-up cells.

We just sometimes need help remembering.

As always, if you or your loved one is in need, please reach out for

guided meditation support, shamanic session work, or a kind word.  

I'm here and I care.

Stay so very replenished, nourished, rested, well during this time.

And do let me know, from what you see, How are We Today?

Good Energy Moments That Matter


I fell in love with the ocean again.  Thought you might enjoy a taste, too.

Click play for my holiday greeting: the ocean, a quote & what's next.

Keep reading for a Bonus December Ritual


A client recently shared, "Sheryl, what I fear most is not doing what I'm actually here to do in this lifetime."


I so understood that fear.

To shift it involves learning to see yourself and your life clearly.

Sounds simple, I know.  But, actually it's quite profound.

How many times do you see yourself accurately when you look at yourself in the mirror?  Is your face the same shape, size, color you expect it to be?

When you reflect on what you've contributed to your family and what you haven't?  Would your list match your family's lists?  How clearly are you seeing you?

No worries, this is challenging for most of us.  So, here's what you can do to clear your mirror.


Each December, I have a ritual.  

I take a big piece of blank paper and start listing all my gratitudes and accomplishments for the year.  

This year, I may need 2 pieces (smile).

I list Good Energy joyful moments that have mattered like: 

  • Experimented with mixing 1 C corn starch w/1/2 C water with my eleven year old son (try it!)
  • Did a Fly-Me-Out to Grand Cayman Island to facilitate energy sessions for 3 generations of amazing folks
  • Served as a Shamanic Camp Counselor for 150 Maverick Entrepreneurs 
  • Supported around 2,000 students and clients with energy work
  • Deepened 4 existing friendships, resurrected 2 former friendships, made at least a dozen new "good people" friendships I cherish
  • Planted 8 fruit trees in my home orchard with support 

Some Good Energy moments are simple.  Some are personal.  Some are professional.  Some are even practical.

All are moments that mattered deeply to me.


I invite you to grab some paper, and create your 2015 Good Energy List.

See how many moments lit up your smile, your heart, your mind, your belly this year.  

Draw them or write them.  Feel each tiny triumph in your cells, as if they're waking up as you're celebrating them.

Each moment you list validates:

"I'm using my time well here in this body, as this being, on this planet, now." 

Then, challenge yourself to focus on 1 focused intention for 2016.  What is the one accomplishment that if you mastered this in 2016, you will have checked off the next level of soul mastery on your internal checklist?  

It's not that you won't accomplish more than that.  It's just that the act of narrowing our choices, allows us to infuse more potency into the one intention that matters most.

I like to choose:

1 for how I'll serve the world & 

1 for how I'll be in right relationship with my family while I serve the world. 

Your turn!  On your marks, get set, go!

Post your top 2015 triumph & your 2016 intention(s), so I may celebrate and hold space for your dreams, too.